Introduction and First Quilt
Hello and thank you for visiting my site! I decided to start a blog to help document my quilt making and to also share any knowledge that I may have.
My name is Laura and I live in Dallas with my husband and dog. I grew up with a mom that was an excellent sewer (she never quilted though). She made lots of clothes for myself and my dolls, homemade Halloween costumes every year, and even made a homemade Cabbage Patch doll for Christmas when the stores were all sold out. She taught me to sew for the first time in elementary school and it was a disaster, I made a pair of shorts that no human could fit into - the waist was about two feet wide and the legs about five inches wide. I'm not sure what I did wrong but quickly learned that I hated to unsew! After the epic shorts fail I didn't touch a sewing machine for almost 20 years.
In 2005 I read a book from the Elm Creek Quilts series and decided I wanted to quilt. I convinced my mom to take a class with me and bought myself a cheap sewing machine. We both loved the class and have been quilting ever since. This is my first quilt, there are definitely some errors but I learned a lot from the class.

The pattern is Block Watchers Basics by The Quilt Company; it’s a great one for a first quilt since you learn several different piecing techniques.
Since that class I've made a lot of quilts, most of them have been gifts and unfortunately I never took a picture of them. Going forward I want to document the quilts I've kept and those that I make in the future. I hope that this blog inspires you in some way, helps me make some online quilty friends, and share new skills!
Thanks for reading!